Hierarchy of Light and God needs steadfast, loyal aides, but not weak and susceptible to any influence people! All who can not stand trial until the ascension, go to the Way, will again be embodied in systems of the universe according to their level of consciousness in general practice. Then their ascension postponed indefinitely. We sometimes said that the soul must remember himself. On the concepts of space that can be explained as follows: – "remember yourself" – means to connect to the matrix of consciousness Blueprint of Soul Light of consciousness, then it will be able to receive information about their High 'I' intuitively or telepathically. – Twin Light of the Soul, Monad, Blueprint could only be after the merger it with all of its separation of particles, the implementation of all programs, a full identification with the Spirit and ascension. Energy exchange in the replacement takes place between monads, but not a particle of Consciousness.
After that, look-alike will continue to improve, going up the stairs of the Worlds, getting power and work program individually from the Soul of Light, which became his highest "I". Earthly Soul (Medium light code) can be a space after the Soul of complete identification with the Spirit, gradually become like God, but God (the Creator), it becomes ever. It must be remembered bogosozdannym souls to have a correct view of themselves and their place in the cosmic hierarchy! Once again, back to the blue prints. There should be proper understanding of these creatures (Souls). They are not bogosozdannymi in the literal sense. This is a "snapshot" of the original, replacing it where there is a risk of losing individuality or connection to Spirit. They differ from robotoevolyutsii independent thinking, and many talents abilities, but their manifestation takes time. Because of its independence and "freedom-loving", many are developing a big ego.
Hence the reluctance of anyone to obey. Robots first class (the evolution of robots, machines Beings of Light) to God committed and do not show quality, because of which can develop a riot, but these qualities may develop in blueprints Shower Light. Surprisingly, many civilizations of intelligent beings in different forms of life that carry the genes of the Gods often rebel against them, and robots are created for special projects, show great loyalty to the Creator. It turns out that the Soul, which is in fact closer to the gods, in fact, are not as reliable (at the lower levels of consciousness) as artificially created intelligence, which clearly fulfills its program. Bogosozdannye machines with artificial intelligence are not so sensitive, do not have emotions and are resistant to temptation. They only use programs that improve their business skills from generation to generation. The reason for the instability of a "bearer of light" is that the more they are embodied in the imperfect worlds and in imperfect form. In these spaces are distorted by it all: attitude, chuvstvoznanie, emotional sphere, the manifestation of the cosmic laws and Time. Among them are not all of the Finality, Soul, merged with the Spirit and to showing Beings who gave them life. The imprint of dark energy space imposes its stamp their psyche. They will never know who they really are, if you do not ascend to a higher spiritual level, although there is a chance for everyone.