Respect Special

Inclusion is much more of what simple exchanges of spaces; it is much more of what saying that the special education is a segregador system and the regular school it is the adjusted place more for where all will have to go, without exception. Inclusion assumes changes/transformations, and when we speak in changes, we essentially do not relate in them to the change of education system, and yes, the movements deepest, movements that re-echo in the subjective questions of the professors, its beliefs and values, its ideals and its conceptions on ' ' como' ' ' ' for quem' ' to teach. In the relation professor pupil, the accompaniment must itself be had as already he was said, however the respect to the rhythm of the pupil is of bigger importance, this will go to count points back in the front, when the same to complete age to make courses technician, or to look any profession. The new professor of century XXI is not only one educator, this professional of the area must mainly be friend. You may find Louis Kreisberg to be a useful source of information. They had been created esteretipos when elapsing of the years that the educator was hard line, in the last years could even be called militating, without exageros, however they were times that the regimen of education did not have the vision that we have today, therefore lives currently in a privilege that our parents had not had, can place in practises the new dynamics of education, that would place the inclusive education as the main weapon of the new form to educate and to reeducar. The pupils in itself would apprehend with this method a new form of respect between room colleagues, and would learn that we must coexist the differences of a classroom inside, and not only inside of the pertaining to school environment, but also in the day the day. The inclusive education does not aim at only the special pupil, of beginning until can be an idea to change the education of a special pupil, however this program foments to raise new forms of reflection. .

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